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Medical vs Recreational Marijuana: What to Know

37 states have already enacted medical marijuana programs and 21 states have legalized cannabis entirely. However, Texas still lags behind on getting its residents the relief they deserve.

We hope that Texas will launch their very own medical marijuana program very soon! Currently, they do have a CUP program, but it is too restrictive and limited to be considered a full medical marijuana program.

Many times, states will launch their own medical marijuana program a couple of years before they legalize cannabis entirely. This will happen at some point inevitably in Texas, and we hope they get the ball rolling soon.

When states legalize recreational marijuana after already having a medical program, many people are left unsure about whether to renew their medical card. Having a medical marijuana card comes with so many benefits, it is usually worth renewing regardless of legalization status.

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of having your medical marijuana card in a recreational state.

Higher Possession and Purchase Limits

In states with recreational marijuana, medical card holders typically enjoy higher possession and purchase limits for cannabis. This means they can buy and possess more than those without their medical cards.

This can really help people who don’t live close to dispensaries. Sometimes, people live an hour away from the nearest pharmacy, so it would really help them if they could stock up in order to make less trips.

Less Taxes and Cheaper Products

Patients with their medical marijuana card will pay much less in taxes than those without it. For example, in Missouri, medical card holders will pay 4% in sales tax while recreational users must pay 6%, not including state and local taxes.

This can add up to be a considerable amount of money over time and easily thousands of dollars each year. Not only are the taxes less for medical products, but usually medical dispensaries themselves offer better deals and cheaper products.

Cultivation Limits

In states where recreational marijuana is legal, patients with their medical cards can typically grow marijuana plants at home. However, patients with their medical card can normally grow more plants than recreational users.

For example, in Colorado, recreational users may only grow 6 plants at home, but medical marijuana card holders can grow up to 99! Home cultivation is a great way to save money, since those who grow plants will no longer need to purchase from dispensaries.

Get Ready for Medical Marijuana in Texas

Although Texas does have a medical marijuana program, it is too small to fully meet the needs of Texas patients. There are only three dispensing organizations in the entire state, but over 37,000 patients.

It is also estimated that this number will increase by 300% by the end of 2023. With the growing number of medical marijuana patients, we are hopeful that Texas lawmakers will push for the expansion of the program even further.

There are two things you can do today to lend a hand to the expansion of Texas’ medical marijuana program.

First, let your state representatives know how you feel about Texas’ overly restrictive medical marijuana program. Second, support the cause by finding out if you qualify for a Texas Marijuana Card, and get one if you do.

Reserve an evaluation online today with one of our qualified, compassionate doctors, and we’ll book an appointment for you the moment the law changes.

You’ll meet with your doctor virtually using your smartphone or computer for a telemedicine appointment. Together, you’ll discuss your qualifying condition and how you might benefit from medical marijuana, all without leaving your home. You’ll even save $25 off the cost of your evaluation!


Doctors Who Care.

Relief You Can Trust.

At Texas Marijuana Card, our goal is to help everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.



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