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The Medical Marijuana Identification Card Process for Caregiver

The primary function of a caregiver is to get medical marijuana in proxy of a patient at a pharmacy. Each marijuana patient can appoint up to two caregivers, while it is a must for minor patients to have a caregiver. Also, one caregiver can be in charge and care for up to five cannabis patients. What are the requirements a caregiver must meet to obtain a card? Check below.


  1. A caregiver must be 21 years of age or above. If you are below 21 and want to become a caregiver, contact the Department of Health through email and state your relationship with the patient. Aslo, clearly state why you should be cleared to be the caregiver for that patient.

  2. You must be a Texas resident.

  3. You must have a valid/active Texas driver’s license or a Government ID containing your current home address.

  4. You must undergo background check to verify your criminal history.

  5. Your record must be clean, especially when it relates to drugs. If you have been convicted of illegal possession or sale of drugs or narcotics in the last five years, you are not eligible to be a caregiver.

  6. Get an ID card from the Texas Cannabis Commission that allows you to pick up medical marijuana at any pharmacy in the state on behalf of your patients.

Eligibility Status to be a Caregiver for an Adult Patient (18 years and above)

  • You must be 21 years of age as of when you put in for registration.

  • You must register with Texas Medical Cannabis Commission.

  • Get approval from the commission before you proceed.

  • Get an ID card from the commission for a particular fee.

You must submit a valid US-issued ID card and a clear, color, recent photo during registration. Once you have submitted all these documents, you await the commission's approval. When that is done, you will get a certificate from a registered physician, after which you will purchase an ID card from the commission.

Eligibility Status to be a Caregiver for a Minor Patient (under 18)

  • Only the parent or legal guardian of the patients can qualify as their caregiver.

  • You must be up to 21 years of age when you register.

  • Register with the Texas Medical Cannabis Commission.

  • Get approval from the commission.

  • Pay a fee to obtain an ID card from the commission.

To become a caregiver for a minor, you must submit a valid ID card issued by the US government, including a clear, color and recent photo. Also, you must put in your registration before you register for that minor patient.

Register as a Caregiver for an Existing Cannabis Patient

If you have a cannabis patient that needs help. Here is what you need to do to become their caregiver;

  • Submit the patient’s name as it is in the patient and caregiver registry.

  • Submit the patient’s ID card.

  • Their date of birth.

  • Visit the patient and caregiver registry.

You will see the “caregivers” column; click on “adult patient caregiver registration” in case the patient is an adult who has a patient ID card or is eligible to obtain one that allows them to get medical cannabis from the pharmacy.

Also, in the “caregivers” column, click on the “caregiver registering for an existing patient” in case the patient has already been registered, is under 18, needs indoor support, or has a disability. Patients in this category can not get a personal ID or go to the pharmacy to pick up medical marijuana on their own.

Answer every question and fill in all required information. You must use a different email address for yourself and the patient. You can’t share the same email address with the patient. You will receive an email to verify your background check.

You will have to wait for four to six weeks for the proper processing of your application by the commission. Once you get approval mail from the Department of Health, the next step is to pay a particular fee to get your medical marijuana caregiver card.

Becoming a Caregiver for a New Patient

Contrary to the above information, registering as a caregiver for a patient not yet registered in the medical marijuana program is different. In this case, your patient is under 18, requires home support or is disabled. This patient can’t get an ID or go to the pharmacy themselves.

  • Visit the patient and caregiver registry, go to the “caregivers” column, and click on “caregiver registration for a new patient.”

  • Provide all the required information, submit, and have a caregiver profile.

  • You will get an email for the verification of your background check.

  • Wait for up to 6 weeks for the commission to process your application.

  • Once you get the approval mail, return to the patient and caregiver registry to pay any fees required to obtain your medical marijuana caregiver card.

Remember, you can be a caregiver for a minor if you are the parent or legal guardian. In case you are not, you need to be appointed a third-party caregiver by the patient, their legal guardian or spouse. In this case, you must also complete the “authorization to designate a third party caregiver” form.

This form is available for download from the caregivers' profiles on the patient and caregiver registry. Once the form has been approved, upload it to your caregiver profile.

Get Your Medical Marijuana Card in Texas Now!

Although Texas has a medical marijuana program in place, it’s restrictive and doesn't fully meet the needs of Texas patients. However, there is good news! A comprehensive medical marijuana program is coming to Texas soon!

One of the first ways to benefit from this program when in effect is to secure your marijuana card now. You can book an appointment with one of our qualified physicians who will put you through the thorough process of acquiring your marijuana card today.

Book an evaluation online today with one of our qualified, compassionate doctors. You’ll meet with your doctor virtually using your smartphone or computer for a telemedicine appointment. Together, you’ll discuss your qualifying condition and how you might benefit from medical marijuana, all without leaving your home!



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